FR: Why you SHOULD bring sand to the beach!
I noticed there´s a big difference between going out with male friends or with female friends. David D. recommends making friends with 5 girls just to hang out with. As I always have had more female than male friends I can say he's absolutely right. For example, when other girls see you come in the club together with females they will instantly fire ioi´s towards you.
Last saturday I went to the club with 2 female friends of mine. When we came inside we immediately hit the dancefloor. Thanks to the girls I was automatically social proofed. Many girls came dancing near us. There was a HB9 walking by a couple of time and we had some intense eyecontact. So when a salsasong came up, i just stretched my hand out to her, and we started dancing. After the dance I went back to my friends, because I wanted to open some more sets. They were High5-ing me, and saying "good job man!", which lifted my state even more.
So the rest of the night I was basically on fire. I must have done 12 shortsets that night. (if you want to know more about shortsetmethod, search the td archive)
From now on I´m going to sarge a lot more with girls, and less with (community-)guys, because I want to fieldtest this some more.
Last saturday I went to the club with 2 female friends of mine. When we came inside we immediately hit the dancefloor. Thanks to the girls I was automatically social proofed. Many girls came dancing near us. There was a HB9 walking by a couple of time and we had some intense eyecontact. So when a salsasong came up, i just stretched my hand out to her, and we started dancing. After the dance I went back to my friends, because I wanted to open some more sets. They were High5-ing me, and saying "good job man!", which lifted my state even more.
So the rest of the night I was basically on fire. I must have done 12 shortsets that night. (if you want to know more about shortsetmethod, search the td archive)
From now on I´m going to sarge a lot more with girls, and less with (community-)guys, because I want to fieldtest this some more.